Thierry Bardini

Department of Communication – Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128 Succ. Centre ville Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7
Tel : (514) 343-6111 xt. 29837

Professor (since 1993) I have taught 20 different courses and seminars (7
undergraduate, 13 graduate), advised 50 graduate students and
participated in 20 funded research projects. I have published 5 books, 61
journal articles and book chapters, and given 89 conferences or lectures.
My administrative responsibilities have included the direction of the M.Sc.
program of my department (1998-2000, 2003-2005), its graduate studies
committee (2001-2005 and 2008-2010), its (joint) Ph.D. program (2011-
2014); between 2015 and 2019, I have directed the Department. I am a co-
researcher and regular member of Hexagram, the Montreal-based
international network dedicated to research-creation in media arts, design,
technology and digital culture, since its origin in 2001, and I have been
directing its second research axis, “materiality” in 2017-2020.

I am fluent in French (native), English and Spanish.


1991 Ph.D. Sociology, Université Paris X (Nanterre), advisor Pierre Tripier.
Dissertation: “Technological Frame and Modernization of the Productive
System. Case-Study of the Ewe-Milk Production in Roquefort, 1950-

1986 Agronomist, National Superior School of Agronomy of Montpellier
(ENSAM), France. Specialized in Agricultural Economics and Rural


2015-2019 Chair, Department of Communication, University of Montréal.
2010- Full Professor, Department of Communication, University of Montréal.
2010-12 Associate researcher, Ethno-ethology laboratory, National Museum of

Natural History, Paris.
2008-09 Visiting Professor, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France.
1998-2009 Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of

1994 Visiting Scholar, Silicon Valley Centre, Stanford University.

System Development Foundation fellow.
1993-1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of


1990-93 Visiting Scholar and adjunct professor, Annenberg School for
, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Lavoisier Fellow of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1990.

1989 Research Associate for ORSTOM (French Institute of Scientific
Research for Development in Cooperation), in the CENDES (Center of
Study of Development, Central University of Venezuela, UCV, Caracas).

1986 Visiting Scholar, Southwestern Agricultural University, Beibei,
Chongqing, Sichuan, China.

Last 5 Funded Research Projects [N= 20 in 1995-2020]

  • Towards the Fourth Nature: Studies for a Semi-Living Garden. Fonds de Recherche du
    Québec Société et Culture
    , Appui à la recherche-création (équipes) 2021-2024, $
    140,430.00 Col. Beatriz Herrera &François-Joseph Lapointe.

  • The cybryonts and the anthropocene: On the conditions of possibility of new symbioses.
    Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight grant,
    research-création, 2020-2024, $ 176,712.00 Col. Beatriz Herrera &François-Joseph

  • Regroupement Stratégique Hexagram, Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la
    Société et la Culture, 2020-2027, $ 1,827,000. Co-applicant.

  • Regroupement Stratégique Hexagram, Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la
    Société et la Culture, 2014-2020, $ 1,048,500. Co-applicant.

  • DiY Biology and the tensions of liberalism, Canada Social Sciences and Humanities
    Research Council (SSHRC), 2016-2020, $ 110,280.00

    Realizations in Research-Creation [N= 9]

  • [report] “Rapport d’enquête #INS23072018” [Report on investigation #INS23072018]
    forthcoming in
    Multitudes, 2021.

  • [short story] La suite des soucis d’un père de famille [Other Cares of a Family Man] in
    The Behavior of Things / Le comportement des choses (dual language edition), E.
    Quinz, ed. Paris, Les Presses du réel, 2021.

  • [refereed article] “Future Life will be Synthetic: About the Emergence of Engineered Life,
    its Promises, Prophecies, and the Formal Causalities Needed to Make Sense of them”,
    Social Sciences Information 55(3): 369-384, 2016.

  • [installation] Your Synthetic Life (At the Speed of Life) Custom made hardware, Zeiss
    microscope with sample, computer, custom made software (with Laura Beloff, Erich
    Berger, Cecilia Jonsson, and Antti Tenetz),
    Making_Life final exhibition, Helsinki,
    Lasipalatsi Näyttely Galery, May 22-31, 2015.

  • [creative non-fiction] Lured and Fatherless Wasps, Sputniks and Other Living Odradeks:
    Hints of a Junk Aesthetic, dans
    Vital Beauty, edited by Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder and
    Lars Spuybroek, Rotterdam: Nai/V2, pp. 235-252, 2012.

  • [creative non-fiction] “Because Montreal, this city, my city, is burning with life but not
    burning at all”,
    CTheory, (, May 2012,
    French version titled « Car Montréal, cette ville, ma ville, s’enflamme, mais n’est pas en
    flammes du tout », appeared in
    Multitudes, 50: 42-48, September 2012.

Thierry Bardini CV – 2

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  • [book–long fiction] Journey to the End of the Species, (with Dominique Lestel), Paris,
    Éditions Dis-Voir, 128 p., January 2011 (a French version was published simultaneously
    under the title
    Voyage au bout de l’espèce).

  • [creative non-fiction] France is Burning. CTheory, Fall 2005

  • [creative non-fiction] A Utopia Realized: Cyber for All!, CTheory, Fall 2004


    Books [N=5 + 2 translations]

  • Formes de vie virale, [Viral Forms of Life] manuscript under review at Les Presses
    Universitaires de France (in French) and University of Minnesota Press (in English).

  • Special Issue: Tracing Innis and McLuhan, Canadian Journal of Communication, 37(4),
    2012 (With Bill Buxton, editors).

  • Junkware, University of Minnesota Press, January 2011.
    Polish Translation, Krakow: Ksiegarnia Akademicka, 2016.

  • Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution and the Origins of Personal Computing,
    Stanford University Press, 2000.
    Japanese translation, Tokyo: Computer Age Co., 2003.

  • Les promesses du cyberespace : médiations, pratiques et pouvoirs à l’heure de la
    communication électronique
    [The Promises of Cyberspace: Mediations, Practices and
    Powers in the Age of Electronic Communication], (eds.)
    Sociologie et Sociétés,
    XXXII(2), 2000 (with S. Proulx).

    Last 10 Refereed Papers [N= 39, 1990-2020]

  • Participation to the collective writing of l’Abécédaire des bifurcations par Cora Novirus,
    Multitudes 80, 2020.

  • La numérisation de la vie. De la nécessité d’une approche biosémiotique de la
    convergence des codes [On the Digitalization of Life. About the Necessity of a
    Biosemiotics Perspective on the Convergence of Codes],
    Sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry
    , 37/38(1-3): 19-35, 2019.

  • Viral Life, at Last, NatureCulture 03, (, 2018.

  • Relational Ontology, Simondon, and the Hope for a Third Culture inside Biosemiotics,

    Biosemiotics, 10(1): 131-137, 2017.

  • Récursivités et causes formelles. Entre l’archéologie et l’écologie médiatiques

    [Recursions and Formal Causes: In between Media Ecology and Archeology]

    Multitudes, 63 :159-168, 2016.

  • Vade Retro Virus : Numéricité et Vitalité, Terrains 63: 103-121, 2015.

  • The Critical State of Theory, International Social Sciences Journal, 63(208/9): 9-23,


  • A field philosopher with a certain taste for fish, and who does not mistake his hat for an

    ethology, Angelaki, 19(2): 1-5, 2014.

  • On Multitude and Beyond: An Interview with Paolo Virno, Cultural Politics 10(2): 206-

    225, 2014.

  • Simondon, Individuation, and the Life Sciences: An Interview with Anne Fagot-

    Largeault, Theory, Culture & Society 31(4): 141-161, 2014.

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  • Decompicultures: Decompositions of Culture and Cultures of Decomposition, Green
    Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism
    18(1): 9-21, 2014.

    Last 10 book Chapters [N= 22, 1992-2020]

  • With consideration for the virus power, dans Feedback: Global Warning!
    Marshall McLuhan and the Arts.
    Essays on the occasion of the 5th edition of the
    exhibition and symposium series, sous la direction de B. Gottlieb, pp. 37-42, La
    Hague (NL) :
    West Den Haag, 2020.

  • Prémisses d’une archéologie médiatique du temps réel [Premises of a Media
    Archeology fo realt Time], In
    Actes du Colloque de Cerisy « Archéologie des media et
    écologies de l’attention »
    , edited by Yves Citton and d’Estelle Doudet, pp. 133-138,
    Grenoble : UGA Éditions, 2019.

  • Apps as Charming Junkware? in The Imaginary App, edited by Paul D. Miller et Svitlana
    Matviyenko, Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, pp. 205-216, 2014.

  • Lured and Fatherless Wasps, Sputniks and Other Living Odradeks: Hints of a Junk
    Aesthetic, in
    Vital Beauty: Reclaiming Aesthetics I the Tangle of Technology and Nature,
    edited by Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder and Lars Spuybroek, pp. 235-252, Rotterdam:
    Nai/V2, 2012.

  • L’humain métaformaté: les pratiques bioartistiques du nexus humain [The
    Metaphormatted Human: Bio-Artistic Practices of the Human Nexus], in
    Arts &
    , edited by Louise Poissant et d’Ernestine Dauber, Presses de
    l’Université du Québec, pp. 77-102, 2012 (with Marie Pier Boucher).

  • La malediction de la troisième main [The Curse of the Third Hand] in Mobilisation de
    l’objet technique dans la production de soi
    , edited by C. Perraton, O. Kane and F.
    Dumais, Presses de l’Université du Québec, pp. 199-214, 2012.

  • Korzybski and Cyberculture, dans Korzybski and.., edited by Lance Strate and Corey
    Anton, General Semantics Press, pp. 265-287, 2012.

  • Metaphor, in A More Developed Sign : Advancing the Work of Jesper Hoffmeyer edited
    by Donald Favareau, Paul Cobley, and Kalevi Kull, Tartu University Press, pp. 187-190,

  • A (Brave New) World is More than a Few Gizmos Crammed Together: Science Fiction
    and Cyberculture, in
    Science Fiction and Computing: Essays on Interlinked Domains,
    edited by David L. Ferro and Eric G. Swedin, pp. 167-188, McFarland & Company,

  • Alone together, ici et là : Paradoxes et syndromes de la téléprésence [Alone together,
    here and there : paradoxes and syndroms of telepresence], in
    Ensemble ailleurs, edited
    by Louise Poissant & Pierre Tremblay, pp. 53-72, Presses de l’Université du Québec,

    Last 10 Lectures, Readings, and Contributions to Conferences [N= 93,

  • Sous l’emprise de virus [Under the Spell of Virus] Contribution au cours Courants de la
    pensée sociologique 1: Images et viralité :: La pensée de Jean Baudrillard et son
    actualisation critique, Montréal, UQÀM, [on line] February 22, 2021.

  • Virus couronné : une forme de vie au cube [Virus Crowned : A Form of Life Cube],
    Contribution au colloque
    Confinement, viralité et formes de vie, Paris [on line],
    November 27, 2020.

  • Tout à la manoeuvre! De la participation des «autres qu’humains» dans l’art
    performance, les manœuvres et actions publiques à vocation plus ou moins artistique.
    Journée d’étude « Art performance, manœuvre, coefficients de visibilité », Musée d’Art
    Contemporain de Montréal, February 19, 2020.

  • We Are All Pragmatics Here: How Biohacking has been attenuated and then flipped
    through normalization, Conférence annuelle de la Society for Arts, Literature and
    Sciences (SLSA), Irvine, Californie, November 7, 2019.

  • L’informatique désaffectée, homo nexus et la viralité contemporaine [Disaffected
    Computing, Homo Nexus, and Contemporary Virality] Keynote to MARSOUIN’s annual
    colloquium, Rennes, France, May 24, 2019.

  • Ce que l’art devient quand le capitalisme devient génétique [What art becomes when
    capitalism turns genetic], Keynote to the “Behavioral Matter” colloquium, Centre
    Pompidou, Paris, France, March 29, 2019.

  • Buzz, Buzz, Buzz dit le Bourdon [Buzz buzz buzz says the Bumblebee], Intervention in
    the Viral Design Symposium, Haute École d’Art et de Design (HEAD), Genève,
    Switzerland, March 14, 2019.

  • Post (living, machines) and the Journey to the End of the Species, Keynote to the
    annual PostHuman Network annual symposium, Arizona State University. Tempe, USA,
    February 15, 2019.

  • Viruses in and out of our mind, Annual meeting of the Society for Arts, Literature and
    Sciences (SLSA), Toronto, Canada, November 16, 2018.

    Research Reports [N= 4]

  • Bardini, T. et al. –Description et analyse de la scène des arts électroniques au Québec
    dans sa relation aux phénomènes de développement technologique
    [Description and
    Analysis of the Electronic Arts Scene in Québec, in relation to the Phenomenon of
    Technological Development], rapport au Ministère de la Culture et des Communications
    du Québec, programme PADEC, 86 pages, 1999.

  • Bardini, T., Nakayama, T., Horvath, A. T., & Rogers, E.M. – The Genesis of
    Microcomputing: Japanese and American Networks
    . Report to Mitsubishi International
    Corporation, Los Angeles: Annenberg School for Communication, juin 1993.

  • Rogers, E. M., Bardini, T., & Singhal, A. – Microcomputers in Development: Implications
    for Agricultural Extension, Education and Training
    , report to the UN-FAO, Los Angeles:
    Annenberg School for Communication, 1992.

Thierry Bardini CV – 5

Prendre soin et la recherche-création : contextualisation [Taking Care and Research-
Creation: Context] introduction to the Hexagram colloquium “Taking Care and
Research-Creation in the Digital Art : Back to Hexagram@Ars Electronica – Campus
2018”, directed by Jean Dubois and Thierry Bardini, ACFAS, Université du Québec en

Outaouais, Gatineau, May 27, 2019.

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Undergraduate courses [N= 7]

COM 1200 – Introduction to media; COM 1600 – Introduction to Media Studies; COM
2001 – International Communication; COM 2210 – Development and Impact of the New
ICTs; COM 2710 – Socio-Technical Mediation; COM 3060 – Cyberculture, COM 3220
Communication and Enrvironment.

Graduate Seminars [N= 13]

ANSC 582 – International Communication & National Development (M.Sc.); ANSC 546
– Diffusion of Innovations (M.Sc.); COM 6020 – Communication Theory (M.Sc.); COM
6310 – Media and their Users (M.Sc.); COM 6395 – Propagation of Influences in Society
(M.Sc.); COM 6420 – Media and New technologies (M.Sc.); COM 6501 – Mediated
Communication Theory (M.Sc.); COM6394 – Media, Virality and Contagion (M.Sc.);
COM 7010 – ICTs and Society (Ph.D.); COM 7016 – Social and Cultural Aspects of
ICTs (Ph.D.); COM 7250 – Proseminar (Ph.D.); COM 7192 – Shapers and Mechanists:
Avatars of the Nexus (Ph.D.); COM 7100 – Communication and epistemology (Ph.D.)

Supervision of Ph.D Students [N= 9]

  • Thunier, Albertine, Title to be determined, 2019-

  • Zaidan, François, Title to be determined, [research-creation], 2017-

  • François, Agathe, Title to be determined, [research-creation], 2016-

  • Sünter, Emre Creation, Art, and the Micropolitics of Living Things, 2014-

  • Choukah, Sarah (SSHRC fellow), Biohacking and code convergence: a transductive

    ethnography, 2009-2019.

  • Jaclin, David, Communication and Animality: Cartography of a Business, 2008-2013

  • Thibault, Ghislain, (SSHRC fellow) The Ethernal Return, a Genealogy of Ether, 2005-


  • Théophanidis, Philippe, Communication out of the Common: Aporias of the Unfinished

    Community, 2004-2016

  • Cyr, Claudine (FQRSC fellow) Event-Cartography of the American Cultural Space,


    Last 10 completed supervisions of M.Sc. Students [N= 41, 1993-2021]

  • Clara Charles, This thesis of which you are the hero, 2011-2013 (in a co-direction with
    Line Grenier).

  • Sophie Richard, Hacker and Entrepreneur: The Ethos of Web Startups, 2011-2104.

  • Laurie Paredes, Transhumanism and Stem Cells: Boundary work in Biomedical

    Gerontology, 2012-2014.

  • Julien Michaux, Exploring Geolocation Governance Perspectives through the Study of

    Appropriation and Collective Action, 2012-2014

  • Mehdi Krouk, An Ethnographic Journey in the Heart of Biohacking, 2013-2016.

  • Alexandre Girardeau, The Cybernetic Rift of The Dead [research-creation], 2013-2016.

  • Alexandre Desrocher-Ayotte, « We do it in public » Engagement, interface, interactivity
    at Moment Factory
    , September 2015-2017.

  • Océane Apffel Font, JourARlisme, [research-creation], 2015-2017.

  • Quentin Lavier, Video game and death(s): Analysis of the imaginary of death in video

    games, September 2016- 2020.

  • Vincent Clément, IA and SF: Between Myths and Promises, 2018-2021



Responsible for the external training program of the department of
communication, Université de Montréal.
Director of the M.Sc. program of the department of communication,
Université de Montréal.

Member of the scientific committee and vice-director of the Centre de
Recherche sur l’Intermédialité, Université de Montréal.
President of the graduate studies committee of the department of
communication, Université de Montréal.

External referee, doctoral fellowship program, Canada Social Sciences
and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Director of the M.Sc. program of the department of communication,
Université de Montréal.

Member of the Centre de Recherche sur les Arts Médiatiques (CIAM)
and Hexagram, Montréal.
External referee, standard grant program, interdisciplinary committee,
Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Member of the external pool of reviewers of the European Science

President, standard grant program, interdisciplinary committee, Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Chair of the Joint Ph.D. program in Communication (Université de
Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, Concordia University).

Chair of the department of communication, Université de Montréal.

Referee for the following journals: CinemaS; Communication Research; Science,
Technology and Human Values; Social Studies of Science; Technologies de
l’Information et Société; Intermédialité; Communication; Sociologie et société;
Canadian Journal of Communication; Anthropologie des connaissances; Culture,
Theory & Society.

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