(From the decryptor’s foreword)

We, Thierry Bardini and Dominique Lestel, cannot claim the paternity of the book that follows. In fact, it appeared to one of us in the shape of a manuscript on an optical support one morning in summer 2010, in the boot of an Oldsmobile 1973, which had finished its automobile life in the Iron Hill Wood in Quebec. Together we worked relentlessly on its transcription, during that beautiful summer, from the machine code in which it was encrypted to our colorful natural language.



Eighth edition

GENCORP Publishing Inc.

“…For this is not one of those manuals you will set aside once you have passed the initiatory test. On the contrary, it is after you succeed the test that you will begin to use the Guide, as is fitting to all initiates, by practicing it for eternity.

This practice consists in duplicating the nexial configurations’ AutoTest, in a random manner.

pixel thinking

To achieve this, generate a 6-bit sequence, randomly and without appealing to your own will, if possible in a metatronic manner. Refer to the prophecy whose number corresponds to this sequence, meditate, and update its commentary.

You now have all the time in the world.”

All images by Thierry Bardini