Thierry Bardini is an agronomist (ENSA Montpellier, 1986) and a sociologist (Ph.D. Paris X Nanterre, 1991) turned research-creator. He is also professor in the department of communication at the Université de Montréal, where he has been teaching since 1993. His research interests concern contemporary cyberculture, from the production and uses of information and communication technologies, to molecular biology.
- His writing, research, and teaching are committed to critical knowledge creation and incorporate extensive field work and creative practices. He helped organize the
- 1995 International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA) here in Montréal, and undertook a full network analysis of the electronic arts scene in Québec for the Ministry of Culture and Communication in 1998.
- He has been an active member of Hexagram, (a Montreal-based international network dedicated to research-creation in media arts), since 2001, leading its second research axis, “materiality” between 2017-2020. He has attended a residency at SymbioticA, the worldwide leading Tissue Culture & (University of Western Australia, 2006), and collaborated as an artist/researcher (with Antti Tenetz, Erich Berger, Laura Beloff and Cecilia Jonsson) in the creation of the The Ironic Biomantic Machine -Your Synthetic Future (at the Speed of Light) exhibited at the Lasipalatsi Nayttely gallery (Helsinki, 2015), part of a broader project Making_Life hosted by the Finnish Bioarts Society and Aalto University.
- He is the author of
Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution and the Genesis of Personal Computing (Stanford University Press, 2000), Junkware (University of Minnesota Press, 2011),and Viral Forms of Life (forthcoming, GodKnowsWhere).
- His writing also engages with speculative genres and creative non-fiction as with his book Journey to the End of the Species (in collaboration with Dominique Lestel Éditions Dis Voir, Paris, 2011), and With Consideration for the Virus Power for the publication Global Warning! (West Den Haag, 2020) part of Feedback #5: Marshall McLuhan and the Arts presented at the Museum for Communication (Frankfurt, 2020).
- He is presently working as part of the Critical Gardening Collective, a Montreal-based collective of four artists and researchers he gathered in 2019 to develop the Towards the Fourth Nature project.
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